Thursday, March 5, 2015

What Can You Do?

 “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country” - John F Kennedy-

This quote has been one of our most favored mottos, as we embark on our project across the country. Most of us are quick to blame our government, but have we asked ourselves, have you asked yourself what you can do?

This has been a constant reminder of the importance of our work. On our last field trip to Singida, a grade six girl, came up to one of our colleagues and said ‘thank you’. Our colleague thought what a well-mannered child but what she said next has stayed with him until this day. She said ‘asante yangu, hutaweza kuona maana yake, mpaka niseme haya. Mimi sasa niko darasa la 6 na sijawai kukaa juu ya dawati, leo nina furaha na nasema asante kwani nimebaki na mwaka mmoja kukaa juu ya dawati’.

In English its translates to “I say thank you, but you will not understand my thanks until I tell you this. I am in grade 6 now and I have never once sat on a desk, today I am happy because you have given me a year of sitting on a desk’.

Our work is not only about equipping classrooms, it is also about changing lives, about creating room for possibilities and it is about realizing dreams.

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