Tuesday, July 23, 2013

HMT & Bank M Sign Tsh 80million Partnership Agreement


Dar es Salaam Tuesday July 23, 2013: Bank M Tanzania Limited has once again joined hands with the Hassan Maajar Trust (HMT) to provide desks to public schools across the country.

Launched in December 2011 in partnership with Bank M the Hassan Maajar Trust flagship program ‘A Desk for Every Child’ has provided over 4,000 desks, seating in excess of 12,000 children in Tanzania. Other major partners include Africa Barrick Gold (ABG Maendeleo Fund), Millicom Tanzania (Tigo Tuchange) and the National Housing Corporation (NHC).

Speaking during the partnership agreement signing ceremony in Dar es Salaam yesterday, the HMT Chairperson Ambassador Mwanaidi Maajar said they are delighted to have Bank M on board again adding that the support extended by Bank M last year contributed significantly to the success of the project.

“Hassan Maajar Trust managed to provide desks to over 12,000 children in the first year of the project, thanks to all our sponsors including our main partner Bank M” said ambassador Maajar adding that the Bank’s decision to partner with Hassan Maajar Trust once again shows their commitment to improving the learning environment in schools in the country.

 “Our goal is to ensure that no child has to sit on the floor,” said Ambassador Maajar adding that “with the support from Bank M, this year they will reach more schools and thousands of children especially in rural Tanzania will benefit from the project.

On his side, Bank M’s Chairman Hon. Nimrod Mkono said that his bank is proud to be associated with the HMT in such a noble cause and commended the Hassan Maajar Trust for a job well done in the initial year of the project. “Having over 12,000 children seated on desks in the 1st year of the project is an achievement we can all be proud of. We are delighted that in such a short span of time, we have made sitting on the floor a history for thousands of Tanzanian children”.This has really encouraged us, to join hands with the Hassan Maajar Trust once again this year,” added Hon. Nimrod Mkono.

He added that “It is an open secret that the Hassan Maajar Trust have done a commendable job and recognizing their efforts in improving the learning environment in schools in Tanzania, we are extending our support for the project again, and this year, the bank will spend TZS 80 Million for this project”.

Mkono said that Bank M is dedicated to supporting projects that are sustainable and which can make a long lasting impact on the community, especially the youth.

“We all understand the magnitude of the desk shortage problem in our public schools which accommodate a significant section of our children. It is our collective duty to support the Government in its effort to improve the situation in our schools as part of the larger strategy of enhancing the quality of education” Mkono affirmed.

He said for Bank M, caring for the community is an abiding passion and towards this, the bank has concentrated its energies on its core Corporate Social Initiative (CSI) Strategy focusing on enhancing the quality of Environment, Community Health, Education as well as the Local Arts.  

From (L) Daniel Mwasandube, (Board Member) Dr. Sinare Yusuf Sinare (Board Member), Mr. Shariff  H Maajar (Vice Chair) and Balozi Mwanaidi Sinare Maajar (Chair)

HMT Chair Balozi Mwanaidi Sinare Maajar giving her thanks to Bank M Chair Hon. Nimrod Mkono

Signing of the MOU

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