Wednesday, June 19, 2013

HMT in Rukwa, Sumbawanga. We handed-over 320 Desks

Greeting to all,
We apologise for the late post, but this was our trip to Rukwa.

Event: Desk Hand over 
Venue: Kasense Primary School Sumbawanga
Guest of Honour: Rukwa Regional Commissioner, Hon. Engineer Stella Manyanya (MP)
Number of Desks: 320 

Students from Kasense Primary School performing a thank you Poem

From left: HMT Vice Chair Mr. Shariff Maajar, Hon Engineer Stella Manyanya Regional Commissioner Rukwa,  Hon. Mayor of Sumbawanga Mr. Sabas Katepa and HMT Executive Director Ms. Zena M Tenga

HMT Vice Chair, Mr. Shariff Maajar giving his speech

HMT ED, Ms.. Zena M Tenga, giving her speech

Press Release
Hassan Maajar Trust Donates Desks To Schools in Rukwa

6th June 2013 – Sumbawanga, 963 students in Rukwa region received 321 desks donated by the Hassan Maajar Trust.
The Hassan Maajar Trust donated 320 desks to eight (8) schools in four (4) Districts in Rukwa region at a ceremony held at Kansense Primary School in Sumbawanga District. Ms. Zena Maajar Tenga and Mr. Shariff Maajar on behalf of the Hassan Maajar Trust together presented the desks to the Regional Commissioner, Hon. Engineer Stella Manyanya.

The beneficiary schools are: Sopa and Mkowe (Kalambo Council), Korogwe and Wampembe (Nkasi Council), Maleza and Mleche (Sumbawanga) and Chipu and Kansense (Sumbawanga Municipal Council)

“Education is the key to the development of our nation therefore we appreciate and welcome donations such as these,” said Engineer Stella Manyanya, Rukwa RC. “Our children are faced with many challenges and this one of lack of learning and teaching materials really affect their learning and development. Many thanks and commendation to Hassan Maajar Trust,” she added.

This donation is the fourth of five that are facilitated from funds raised by the Hassan Maajar Trust in December 2011 during its Fundraising Gala Dinner. So far the Hassan Maajar Trust has donated a total of 1,515 desks out of 1,765: Njombe (680), Singida (264), Mwanza (250) and now Rukwa (321). Lindi (250) is to follow. A total of Tsh 22,500,000 was used for this particular donation in Rukwa. Hassan Maajar Trust has also partnered with African Barrick Gold (ABG) through their Maendeleo Fund to provide 2,360 desks to 15 schools in Kahama District, Shinyanga worth $300,000 (approx. 480 million shillings)

“As Hassan Maajar Trust we aim to improve the learning environment in schools in Tanzania. Through our ‘A Desk For Every Child’ campaign we hope to reach as many schools as possible,” said Zena M Tenga Executive Director of the Hassan Maajar Trust, “We also believe that anyone can be part of this campaign and can be part of the change, by supporting our campaign through any donations big or small”, she added.

About Hassan Maajar Trust
Hassan Maajar Trust is a non-profit organization, dedicated towards improving the learning environment in schools by addressing and tackling the national school desk deficit across Tanzania through its “A Desk for Every Child” campaign. Its mission is to provide school desks and other furniture and learning equipment for schools in Tanzania. 

Issued by: PR-Aggrey & Clifford • Mobile +255 772 131 367

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