Sunday, May 31, 2015

Hassan Maajar Trust (HMT) donates 26 desks and other school materials to a pre-school in Bagamoyo, Pwani Region

Pwani, 29th May 2015: Hassan Maajar Trust has donated 26 desks and other teaching and learning materials including books, and art materials to Bagamoyo Children Carer’s Association (BACCA) a pre-school for orphaned and underprivileged children in Bagamoyo, Pwani region.

Speaking at the handover ceremony held at the school, the Executive Director, Zena Tenga said that this donation was partly supported by the ‘Movember Boys’ a group of men who grow their beard in November to raise funds for charity and Bacca was one of the school they wanted to support.

“We believe that for a child to excel and perform well in school, the foundation is the most important start. I also believe that through this donation, HMT is playing a role in shaping the future leaders, engineers, doctors and other experts in our country,” Ms. Tenga said.

The event was well received by the community and the Bacca management, who thanked HMT for supporting their school. “ I would like to say thank you to Hassan Maajar Trust for their generous donation to our school. Bacca caters for children who are growing up in vulnerable environment and Bacca is one place where they can come and learn and express themselves. This donation will assist in making it easier to teach the students”, said Mohamedi Maalim, Bacca Chair.

The day ended with fun activities for the Bacca students, which resulted in smiles, laughter and joy.
one of the shelves donated together with some books

our Executive Director(Zena M Tenga(left) cutting the ribbon together with Bacca Chair Kenny Mleke(right)

our Executive Director Zena M Tenga giving her speech during the hand over ceremony

BACCA board members,The Guest of Honor(District Education Officer of Bagamoy Mr.Abdul Buheti(middle)) and Hassan Maaajar Trust Team

Our Executive Director exchanging ideas with the Guest of Honor(The District Education officer of bagamoyo Mr.Abdul Buheti)

a performance from the BACCA students

Fun and Games with the BACCA children during the hand over event ceremony

playing duck duck goose with the BACCA students during the hand-over ceremony

fun with the BACCA students during the hand-over ceremony

art activity set up for the BACCA students

Art activity with the BACCA Students during the hand-over ceremony

Fun Art activiy with the BACCA Students

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